Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sick and Stylish

The best part about a sick day is having a reason to lounge around in sweatpants all day and watch classic shows like Full House and Married With Children. When I feel even the slightest trace of a cold coming on, I find it necessary to go out and purchase a "cute sick person outfit." It's important that if you're going to be sick and absolutely disgusting, you at least need to look good. I just hit up the local kohl's for some good sales. (Cute and economical)

1.) Sweatpants: This should be the staple of a cute outfit. I prefer to buy men's because they are just way more comfortable. These are microfiber fleece by Croft and Borrow. They had some cute, fun patterns like the Grinch. I do love Christmas themed outfits but I didn't like the color green that they were and I knew that it would bother me. 
2.) A Fitted Tee: This is necessary to balance the bagginess of the sweatpants. They are also nice and cheap and you can select a color to match your amazing sweatpants. 

3.) A Layering Sweater: Any type of cardigan (that matches) can work for this. You probably already have one in your closet. But if you really want a brand new cute sick person outfit you should probably buy a new one. The one below is by Croft & Borrow as well, I feel I could maybe dress it up and use it for other things than just being sick. 

4.) Slippers: The second most important part of your outfit. This is when you can get all fun and funky and show your unique sick person style. I personally think you should go for the boot version. I chose to go furry and wild (something that I would never wear in real life). 

Just throw on a necklace to pull the look together. Now you are all ready to be sick and look fabulous. Make sure to use a lot of moisturizer and chapstick (no one likes to look at gross chapped lips, I know this from experience). Take your meds and drink a lot of water. 

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